Inheritance in Golang

Tung Nguyen
Oct 30, 2020

Basically, Golang is not an OOP language so there is no inheritance concept in Golang. However, structs still can be extended through struct embedding. But keep in mind that if you redefine a property in your sub struct, struct embedding will not inherit the property from the embedded struct any more.

Now let’s take a look on the following example of struct embedding.

package mainimport (
type Animal struct {
Age int
Leg int
func (a *Animal) Move() {
fmt.Println("An animal moves by ", a.Leg, " legs.")
type Dog struct {
Leg int
func (d *Dog) Move() {
fmt.Println("A dog moves by ", d.Leg, " legs.")
func main() {
animal := Animal{
Age: 5,
Leg: 2,
// Output: "An animal moves by 2 legs."

dog := Dog{
Animal: Animal{Age: 5, Leg: 4},
// Here if you expect an output of "A dog moves by 4 legs." then you never get it.
// Instead you will get "A dog moves by 0 legs."

In you are interested in this example, you can test it on Golang playground at



Tung Nguyen

A coding lover. Mouse and keyboard are my friends all day long. Computer is a part of my life and coding is my cup of tea.